랩천재 영어천재 고등래퍼 하선호와 함께 미국 1020이 지금 이 순간 쓰는 진짜 영어를 배운다!
화제의 네이버 오디오클립 <선호 영어>를 책으로 만난다!
숨은 영어 실력자, 고등래퍼 하선호가 함께 해 화제가 된
네이버 영어 교육 오디오클립 <선호 영어>를 책으로 만난다!
미국 1020이 지금 이 순간 쓰는 진짜 영어를 배운다!
How are you? Fine, thank you.는 이제 그만.
미국 1020이 지금 이 순간 거리에서, SNS에서 쓰는
‘진짜 영어’를 배운다!
자꾸 머릿속에 맴도는 마성의 중독성, 챈트 학습법으로 외운다!
한 번 들으면 흥얼거림을 멈출 수 없는 마성의 ‘챈트 학습법’으로
외우지 않아도 외워지는 영어의 신세계를 경험한다!
DAY 01 Gucci, lit
DAY 02 Super into, Fangirling
DAY 04 I’m down, Count me in
DAY 05 IMA, Keep my mind on
DAY 06 Salty, Cheesy
DAY 07 Picture perfect, I’m speechless
DAY 08 Shout out to, Screwed up
DAY 09 For the record, Off the record
DAY 10 That’s enough, You are busted
DAY 11 Delish, Hangry, Crave
DAY 12 Dad jokes, Okay boomer
DAY 13 Got your back, Rooting for, You’ll kill it
DAY 14 JK, Crack up
DAY 15 Nail it, Get the bread
DAY 16 Drama, Have a beef
DAY 17 Crush, Play it cool
DAY 18 Couch potato, JOMO
DAY 19 Hit me up, Ghost
DAY 21 Sick of, Hyped about
DAY 22 You do you, Stick with
DAY 23 For good, My bad, You’re good
DAY 24 Tea, Popcorn, Jelly
DAY 25 Vibe, Click
DAY 27 Dip, Hit the road
DAY 28 Sorry not sorry, Talk turkey
DAY 29 GOAT, OG, Recs
DAY 30 Pickle, Butter
DAY 31 Wow, Get out of here, Holy cow
DAY 32 Run down, Hammered
DAY 33 Big mouth, Busybody
DAY 34 Bubbly, Perky
DAY 35 Down to earth, Showboat
DAY 36 People person, People pleaser
Day 37 Rock, Flake
Day 38 Blue, Green
Day 39 Pay back, Pay off
Day 40 Hothead, Chill
Day 41 Fishy, Shady
Day 42 Butterfingers, Clumsy
Day 43 No way, Can’t even
Day 44 Kick off, Wrap up
Day 45 Have a chip on one’s shoulder, Cold shoulder
Day 46 Suck it up, Pull oneself together
Day 47 Make it work, Work for me
Day 48 A pain in the neck, Bug
Day 49 Burn, Roast
Day 50 Make up, Catch up
Day 51 Go with the flow, Make it
Day 52 Sneak peek, Binge watching
Day 53 Cozy, Comfy
Day 54 Bugaboo, Company
Day 55 Guilty pleasure, Catchy
Day 56 Give it a shot, Cut out
Day 57 No sweat, Sweat over
Day 58 No doubt, Period
Day 59 Front, No cap
Day 60 Give props, Throw shade
Day 61 Hit a wall, On a roll
Day 62 Blow it, Slap
Day 63 Simmer down, Spice up
Day 64 Kick back, Feel free
Day 65 Go bananas, On fleek
Day 66 Bounce back, Save face
Day 67 Lock down, Deal breaker
Day 68 Snatch, Grab something
Day 69 Cold feet, Get butterflies
Day 70 Wing it, Come up with
필요한 자료를 선택하세요.
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